Gideon's Well: Defenseless America

Monday, June 23, 2008

Defenseless America

Barack Obama has made a video which you can see at: This video leaves me with a lot of questions. Obama says that as president he will end the war in Iraq. How will he do that? Will he just tell our troops not to fight unless fired upon first and then simply pull them out leaving Iraq essentially defenseless? Will he stop all offensives currently being done? He says he will cut ten's of billions of dollars in wasteful spending. What does he consider as wasteful spending? In his next sentence he says he will cut investments in "unproven missile defense systems." These defense systems may be unproven in his opinion but is he making an uninformed decision or is he actually talking to the developers and looking to see if these systems have any value? Is he talking to military leaders to get their opinions? Is this the "wasteful spending" he is talking about? He will "slow development of future combat systems." We need to be at the forefront of combat system development. We cannot afford to allow our efforts to be slowed. He will institute an "independent defense priorities board." Who will this board answer to and what power will they have over the defense of the U.S.? He will "set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons." Really? How will he do that? It's been tried before and hasn't worked what will he do differently? He will not "develop new nuclear weapons." If you can't diplomatically get the other nuclear countries to disarm their nuclear weapons then we had better keep developing new weapons here in the U.S.. He will "seek a global ban on development of fissile material." Once again, good luck. He will "work with Russia to take our ICBM's off trigger alert." Okay that might be possible if Russia has someone in office that's willing to listen to his proposal. Putin the former president of Russia wouldn't have considered that and I believe the current president is a former KGB official like Putin was. I don't think it will work but in this case I don't think it would hurt to try. He will "achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals." That sounds like a dangerous goal. To succeed at this he must talk all other nuclear countries into doing the same thing and prevent rogue organizations like Al Qada from getting their hands on nuclear material.
These concepts are extremely idealogical and lofty. I wonder if Mr. Obama is willing to trust other countries enough to do these things without watching to see the reactions of our enemies, or perhaps he thinks we don't have any. Everyone loves America...right Mr. Obama? What world does he live in? Apparently their is no Al Qada where he lives. Perhaps no threats at all.
Mr. Obama wake up and see the light. This world is full of people that want to destroy this country and your going to let them do just that. We need to have a strong military not one that has had their hands tied by their Commander in Chief. If you do become president I hope for the sake of this country you do not go ahead with those goals. If you do we will be in serious trouble.


"Brielle Coronet" said...

Idealism in a vaccuum! I asked a friend of mine who is going on his 2nd tour of duty in Iraq, why this needed to be done. He told me that the Clinton Admin had cut the military to its bone because they didn't believe we needed a solid defense system in place...then 9/11 happened and conveniently Clinton was out of office and left it all to Bush to handle boosting the military numbers to defend us. It takes time to train, recruit etc. So, our national guard men and women are shouldering the burden and doing 2 and 3 tours. My friend is glady going because it's his job he said. He signed up for it and he's willing to put his life on the line to defend us back home so we can sleep safer. I am very worried about idealists taking over for the next 4 years. They are "blind" that there are evil people out there waiting to harm us because we are the model for democracy and freedom. They want to destroy us. Playing nice and "talking" isn't going to get them to change their minds. It reminds me of Independence Day when the president asks the alien if there can be peace. The alien replies, "Peace, there can be no peace." The president then knows all bets are off the table and gives the belated signal to fight back. We need a strong defense, even if it's not used. That's what these thugs understand, not kumbaya and negotiations. Yea, let's just pull our troops out. Sure, simple as that. And then what? The enemy will suddenly say thank you and go bully someone else? NOT...

Gideon Tomsen said...

Idealism for sure and the vacuum is in Obama's head!

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