Gideon's Well: 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

New website

I have a new website,all future blogs will be at : There is a subscribe link on the page.



Monday, July 7, 2008

It's About Time!!

According to a news article at:, some liberals are calling for expanded energy exploration. Well Hallelujah!! This should have happened right after the oil crises of the 70's. We here in the U.S. have more complacency than any other nation. We think we are invincible and that no other nation can take us down. Well think again! We are coming very close to being on our knees because of the current oil crisis. This should have never happened. If the U.S. had seen the writing on the wall in the 70's and had started energy exploration then the current situation could have been totally avoided. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should be opened to oil exploration and drilling if any oil is found. The Alaskan pipeline should be used for transporting oil to "the lower 48" for refinement and the U.S. government needs to get off it's fat duff and start doing research into alternative energy sources since the oil will not last forever. Why can't the elected officials that are supposed to have our best interests at hand see any of this? We are currently at the mercy of multiple countries which by themselves aren't anywhere close to the size of the U.S. and before the oil crisis had a much worse economy. While were at it let's bring manufacturing back the U.S. too. If we don't we are going to lose more jobs to other countries and we will be in for a serious depression not just a recession.
We need people in government who look at these situations from the common man's point of view, not from a politician's. If the elected officials lose sight of what the common man needs then they should be voted out of office. It is the common man, the laborer, that keeps this country running. These are the people they should be looking to please. They should please us by keeping our jobs here in our country where they belong and by keeping necessities such as oil at affordable levels so we don't have to mortgage our homes to fill our gas tanks. I don't think anyone has actually had to do that yet but the way things are going it could certainly happen.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Seeker Friendly Churches

How many people know what I mean by a "seeker friendly church?" Is it wrong to use the things of man to bring people into a church, then preach the gospel and give an altar call? I have heard of some unusual ways of getting people to hear the Word such as a paint ball ministry and playing hard rock music to attract the people that enjoy that type of music. How do we know when the methods used to attract new people into our church have crossed God's line? I think that when we use methods that cause people to come to church for something other than God we have crossed that line. Matt 6:33 says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (KJV) If we bring people into a church through a paint ball ministry or because we offered them gas cards, as one church recently did, have we caused them to seek something other than God and His righteousness? We as Christians who know Jesus Christ and presumably the Bible are supposed to be using Christian methods to bring people into our churches. Jesus never offered people anything other than food, healing and the Word. We need to have the power of God in our churches, that is what will bring in the new people. John 12:32 says, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." (KJV) Jesus will draw all men unto Him but only when the power of God is at work in the church. The power of God is very weak in most churches today. Those churches are not seeking God first they are seeking ways to bring more people into their specific church and even if their motives are pure their methods are not. We need to allow God to bring the people into the church(es). We need to use the methods Jesus used to make Himself noticed by the people. Even TV ministries can be used in the wrong way to draw people to the church. I am not saying they are wrong, only that they can be used in the wrong way.
Jesus is the only one that can bring people into the body of Christ. He does it in His own way and in His own time. We need to honor Him and allow Him to work through us while we do our work following the example He set. We cannot allow ourselves to use methods that bring people to a church for any other purpose than Christ Himself. Jesus fed the poor, healed the sick and the lame. He unstopped the ears of the deaf and opened the eyes of the blind. If we work in this way Jesus will honor our efforts and the power of God will be in the church. When people outside the church hear and then see with their own eyes that people are being healed then they will come to the body and want to be part of it for God, not only for what they can get from the church.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Defenseless America

Barack Obama has made a video which you can see at: This video leaves me with a lot of questions. Obama says that as president he will end the war in Iraq. How will he do that? Will he just tell our troops not to fight unless fired upon first and then simply pull them out leaving Iraq essentially defenseless? Will he stop all offensives currently being done? He says he will cut ten's of billions of dollars in wasteful spending. What does he consider as wasteful spending? In his next sentence he says he will cut investments in "unproven missile defense systems." These defense systems may be unproven in his opinion but is he making an uninformed decision or is he actually talking to the developers and looking to see if these systems have any value? Is he talking to military leaders to get their opinions? Is this the "wasteful spending" he is talking about? He will "slow development of future combat systems." We need to be at the forefront of combat system development. We cannot afford to allow our efforts to be slowed. He will institute an "independent defense priorities board." Who will this board answer to and what power will they have over the defense of the U.S.? He will "set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons." Really? How will he do that? It's been tried before and hasn't worked what will he do differently? He will not "develop new nuclear weapons." If you can't diplomatically get the other nuclear countries to disarm their nuclear weapons then we had better keep developing new weapons here in the U.S.. He will "seek a global ban on development of fissile material." Once again, good luck. He will "work with Russia to take our ICBM's off trigger alert." Okay that might be possible if Russia has someone in office that's willing to listen to his proposal. Putin the former president of Russia wouldn't have considered that and I believe the current president is a former KGB official like Putin was. I don't think it will work but in this case I don't think it would hurt to try. He will "achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals." That sounds like a dangerous goal. To succeed at this he must talk all other nuclear countries into doing the same thing and prevent rogue organizations like Al Qada from getting their hands on nuclear material.
These concepts are extremely idealogical and lofty. I wonder if Mr. Obama is willing to trust other countries enough to do these things without watching to see the reactions of our enemies, or perhaps he thinks we don't have any. Everyone loves America...right Mr. Obama? What world does he live in? Apparently their is no Al Qada where he lives. Perhaps no threats at all.
Mr. Obama wake up and see the light. This world is full of people that want to destroy this country and your going to let them do just that. We need to have a strong military not one that has had their hands tied by their Commander in Chief. If you do become president I hope for the sake of this country you do not go ahead with those goals. If you do we will be in serious trouble.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Blogger block

I am having a case of blogger block. I am unable to come with anything today to write about so I thought I would write about that. It is extremely frustrating to realize that there is nothing going on in your life or in the news that seems worthy of mention, not that my life is usually all that exciting but today there is just nothing that gets those creative juices flowing so I am writing about not having anything to write about. I hope this comes off as a light hearted approach to the problem. See you next week.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Special Day

28 year old Lisa Stevens was married today in Bremerton Washington. She is a patient in the Intensive Care Unit at Harrison Medical Center and has terminal cancer. Doctors say she has only days to live. As if her medical problems aren't enough the power went out at the County Auditor's office however officials stayed until at least 10pm to get the marriage license paperwork completed. The hospital decorated the ICU and gave the bride a special quilt, flowers and sparkling grape juice to celebrate their nuptials. Kudos to the county employees who worked what must have been difficult overtime without power to make this happen, also to the staff at Harrison Medical Center for their part in the celebration. The brides father paid a visit to the County Auditor's office to say thanks. I pray that the Lord will miraculously heal Lisa and that she and her husband may spend many happy years together. I found this here:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth? Not Really

Who hasn’t heard about global warming and the catastrophic effects that are supposed to bring about the end of civilization as we know it? I certainly have and I started wondering about the other side of the argument. Al Gore made his video, “An Inconvenient Truth” very well known and the media was a huge help in that effort. Why haven’t we heard anything in the news about dissenting opinions? I think the media doesn’t want to listen to or broadcast anything that goes against the politically correct grain. Well there are some dissenting opinions out there and I intend to bring some of them to light. Fred Singer of the University of Virginia, an atmospheric physicist who has worked on satellite weather studies for several government agencies says : “ Changes in global temperature and sea levels reflect natural fluctuations that have occurred throughout history and are not caused by pollution. Scientists ignore data, he said, as he presented temperature study results that showed natural fluctuations over several centuries.(From : Following are “8 Arguments Against Global Warming” 1. Most scientists do not believe human activities threaten to disrupt the Earth’s climate. 2. Our most reliable sources of temperature data show no global warming trend. 3. Global climate computer models are too crude to predict future climate changes. 4. The IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change)did not prove that human activities are causing global warming. 5. A modest amount of global warming, should it occur, would be beneficial to the natural world and to human civilization. 6. Efforts to quickly reduce human greenhouse gas emissions would be costly and would not stop Earth’s climate from changing. 7. Efforts by state governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are even more expensive and threaten to bust state budgets. 8. The best strategy to pursue is no regrets” (From :
Am I saying we shouldn’t be concerned about climate changes? No, we should however put the evidence in the proper perspective. Many of the theories supporting global warming are, when examined more closely, just not very plausible. CO2 is the most talked about greenhouse gas and people have actually talked about ways to eliminate it from the atmosphere. Eliminating CO2, even if we had the technology to do it, would endanger the entire world. CO2 is a natural and necessary part of our everyday lives. Without CO2 most plant life would die very quickly. Plants need food, sunlight and CO2 in order to survive. Would you like to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere? Plant more trees!! Trees consume more CO2 per individual than most other forms of plant life. They also give off oxygen as a byproduct.
Hydrogen fuel cells have been promoted as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. That may be true in theory and in fact in terms of cost and reducing the amount of exhaust compounds in the air. The unfortunate fact is that water vapor is the leading greenhouse gas. Clouds hold in heat and prevent radiational cooling, they are also the most important variable in the greenhouse effect. Hydrogen powered vehicles give off water vapor as their only byproduct. Imagine having millions of them on the road putting out thousands of gallons of water vapor every day. Now if that wouldn’t cause global warming nothing would.
It seems to me that the proponents of global warming are participating in fear mongering and if they actually believe what they are saying then they are alarmists. The reasons for anyone wanting to promote fear are open to debate. Perhaps it is motivated by a need for control of something…the economy? The country?
There are too many arguments against global warming to make it a certainty. The instruments used to measure the indicators of global warming give conflicting results. To quote Fred Singer again : “During the last 20 years, a period in which many have suggested evidence of warming from the greenhouse effect, various methods of measurement have provided conflicting data, Singer said. Sensors that measure surface and ocean temperature have recorded temperature increases, while satellite and balloon weather equipment have showed no warming. We need to concentrate on finding more efficient energy sources that don’t harm the atmosphere, nuclear energy for electricity is one of the best we currently have. Finding an alternative source of energy for transportation should be a priority if only to make driving your own car affordable again. As far as the long term effects of global warming are concerned we need to take a wait and see approach as it’s too early to tell what will happen.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Am Totally Disgusted!

I just read a news story about a 5 year old boy who may have Asperger's Syndrome (a high functioning type of autism). This little boy, Alex Barton, was voted out of his kindergarten class after his teacher had him come to the front of the room and asked every other student why they didn't like him. The teacher then had each student vote as to whether or not Alex should remain as part of the class. They voted him out. What kind of values is this going to teach the children in that classroom? What are these kids going to take away from this? The values are going to be that you can ridicule anyone that doesn't meet your standards for whatever reason. The children are going to take away the idea that anyone with autism of any degree or mental illness of any type doesn't deserve the respect you would give a dog. That teacher should have been fired at the end of the day. I can only give the teacher the benefit of the doubt and say that she was taught that behavior by her parents. That doesn't excuse her actions but it does offer a possible reason for the way she thinks. I am praying for Alex that he is not permanently hurt by this. By God's grace I hope he is able to forgive the teacher and the other students and put this entire incident behind him. Check out the story for yourself :

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Saviour Siblings

I saw a TV news article the other day about families who have children that need special treatments requiring genetic material such as stem cells, these families are having other children that will supply the needed material. The article was actually about the UK having passed a law allowing this to happen. I have a son and wouldn't want him to have any disease or condition but if he did I can't say I would have another child to supply what is needed. According to New Scientist ( "One family in Britain, the Hashmis, had earlier received explicit permission from the HFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority)to try and create a baby whose cord blood could be used to treat a sibling with the blood disorder, beta thallassaemia.

Another family, the Fletchers from Northern Ireland, are now hoping the procedure can be used to create a donor for their son, Joshua, who has a condition called Diamond Blackfan anaemia." This would seem in my opinion to create some ethical dilemmas. Under the circumstances what is to prevent one child from using his or her status as a "lifesaver" against their sick sibling? What is to prevent the family from thinking of the "lifesaver" as nothing more than a means to an end. Would these families have had another child if this need didn't exist? Is the need the only reason they had another child? I find it hard to believe that both children would get equal treatment. What are your thoughts?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Myanmar : People Die While The Government Waits

Myanmar is located in southeast Asia between Thailand and India. The population is about 47 million. On May 2nd and 3rd it was struck by a cyclone (what we call a hurricane). While people are dying the military government of Myanmar is dragging their feet in allowing foreign aid and aid workers to reach the people that need help. What is the reason for this? Well, according to Reuters : "Some critics accuse the junta of stalling because they do not want an influx of foreigners into the countryside during the referendum on the army-drafted constitution that looks set to cement the military's grip on power." If I read that correctly, the government is waiting because they don't want anything to jeopardize their attempt to gain more power over the people they are already abusing. Wonderful! Even China which has been notorious for decades because of it's human rights violations didn't hesitate for a nanosecond when aid was offered after their recent earth quake.
The United States has navy ships offshore of Myanmar in international waters just waiting for the order to take their supplies ashore. The government has so far refused to allow that to happen. According to the Associated Press : "A senior British official hinted a breakthrough may also be near that would allow foreign military ships to join the relief effort, but warnings grew of a potential second wave of death among children hard-hit by the lack of fresh water and proper shelter." So assuming some children died in the cyclone, more may die as a result of the government's lack of allowing foreign aid and aid workers into the country. I heard in a TV news report a couple of days ago that the government confiscated some foreign aid items and changed the labels to make it look as though they came from within Myanmar rather than from outside. Is the government so afraid that the people of the country are going to think something bad about it's ability to handle this situation? I can't understand the need to do something like that.
It would seem prudent considering the emergent nature of this situation that all diplomacy should be dispensed with and aid and aid workers should be transported to the areas where they are needed in spite of the government's wishes. Dr.'s are certainly needed in most areas, there must be at least the threat of disease if not actual cases. The government of Myanmar is clearly not putting the welfare of the citizens first and should not be looked to for authority to distribute the supplies so badly needed. This is truly an atrocity and the government should be called on by the UN to account for it's actions.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The State of The Nation and The Reason For It pt. 2

I need to clarify my position related to the first post in my page. I still believe what I said but I left a very important point unsaid. As Christians, the love of Jesus must be prevalent in everything we do. That means that we treat everyone according to what Jesus said in Matt 22:39, "And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (KJV) It is possible to love your neighbour regardless of their lifestyle, their beliefs or even in spite of how they treat you. The reason for this is what Paul says in Eph 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (KJV) I am not saying that there is nothing that can be done about the state of these peoples lives. I am saying that it is our job to show them the love of Jesus and if the opportunity presents itself tell them about the gospel.
God created man and He created laws that man must live by. He created these laws because He is perfect and we are not. He wants us to obey these laws for our own good. God's grace is enormous, tremendous and awesome but no individual or nation or world can disobey God for very long without the consequences of their actions catching up with them. Anyone who disobeys God beyond the point of the grace He appointed for them in that circumstance will suffer the consequences of their disobedience. That goes for me and every other Christian. That will also apply someday to every individual who has heard the gospel and ignored it or who has accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour and isn't living their life according to God's will.
Christian or non-Christian someday we will all have to stand before God and account for everything we have done...especially those things that went against His will.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Artistic? I Think Not!

I'm certain that everyone with a computer and / or TV has heard about the photo involving Miley Cyrus posing for a photo shoot with only a blanket covering her torso and leaving her back bare. She was posing for Vanity Fair magazine. The photographer says it is artistic. Since when has it been artistic to do that with a fifteen year old girl? I believe it was Abercrombie and Fitch who came under fire a few years ago for having teen models take suggestive poses in some of their ads. What makes this different? This involves a teenager being used to sell magazines instead of clothing. That is the only difference I see. Why is that photographer not being arrested for sexual abuse? If anyone else took a picture like that of a teenager who is not a celebrity they would be arrested and possibly sued. In this case I don't think that is going to happen because nobody but the American public is upset about it. Miley has apologized for the photo and Disney has said that it was done simply to sell magazines. I agree with Disney. I also think that her parents should have been there throughout the entire shoot and not allowed this to happen.
To sum this up I believe that Vanity Fair and the photographer exploited her age and inexperience to get what they wanted. I also think her parents need to be more attentive when she is under similar circumstances and be a lot more conservative in the decisions they allow her to make.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The State Of The Nation And The Reason For It

Our country is in serious trouble. I don't mean from global warming or from spending too much money on the war in Iraq. In fact the problem does not come directly from any man made cause. The problem is our national spirituality. We are no longer primarily a Christian nation. We no longer look primarily to God for wisdom, instead we are looking to other religions, new age beliefs, atheism and agnosticism. Too many people in America believe they no longer need God. Apparently we have evolved beyond any need for Him. Unfortunately that is the reason for all of the man made problems we have. We have lost our way spiritually. If this nation doesn't come back to God very soon it will cease to exist because God will allow us to be conquered by another country. As Christians we need to pray for our leaders at all levels and be politically active. Nobody dislikes politics more than me however our voice at the polls is extremely important. We must be at the helm for this country to keep abortion on demand, gay rights and gay marriage from becoming more common in this nation. All I can say is God help us!!

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